Sylvania, 50 Light, LED Clear Faceted C6 Teardrop Set, White LED Bulbs, Green Wire, 24" Lead Wire, 4" Spacing, 4" End, 16.3' Lighted Length, 18.67' Total Length, End Connector, Indoor/Outdoor, Energy Star Rated, Color Box.
Quantity Available:   1
Green Thumb, 50', Soil Soaker Hose, For Deep, Even Soaking. Advanced Vinyl Construction, Flexible, Easy Placement, Consistent Soaking, Even Uphill, Can Be Used Above Or Below Ground Or Mulch, 7 Year Warranty.
Quantity Available:   1
Green Thumb, 75', Soil Soaker Hose, For Deep, Even Soaking, Advanced Vinyl Construction, Flexible, Easy Placement, Consistent Soaking, Even Uphill, Can Be Used Above Or Below Ground Or Mulch, 7 Year Warranty.
Quantity Available:   Out of stock. Delayed Delivery